Oficemen is a representative of a sector that generates employment and activity
Cement consumption is one a territory’s main economic indicators

The Spanish Cement Association (Oficemen) is a private non-profit association that represents an industry with a calling to serve the public, responsible to society and, above all, with a great respect for the environment.
All the firms devoted to the comprehensive production of cement that have manufacturing plants in Spain form part of Oficemen.
Our mission as sector employers is to be and act on the market to create employment, wealth and to contribute to the citizens’ progress and quality of life. Therefore, we have opted for such values as leadership, innovation responsibility to the communities where we operate and environmental friendliness.

We endeavour to position ourselves as a modern and efficient sector, a benchmark on a domestic and international level and as a sector that treats people with respect. We also support innovation and sustainable development, working in close collaboration with the Public Authorities, social agents and other industrial sectors, and helping to boost the Spanish economy.

The ultimate aim of all Oficemen’s activities are to achieve the following: enhancing our traditional activities, yet with products that are becoming more innovative and sophisticated; adapting to the way society is heading; entering into closer relations with other sectors; placing greater emphasis on recycling and assessment.

Company culture
At Oficemen, we have our own way of thinking, feeling and acting, which is shared by each and every one of us who form part of this organisation and the cement industry. This intangible link is what establishes our company culture and is the vital instrument that enables us to face up to present and future challenges safely and successfully.